Each one of us will shuffle off this mortal coil at some point. What happens next is a fascinating — if frightening — natural process. Read More
Each one of us will shuffle off this mortal coil at some point. What happens next is a fascinating — if frightening — natural process. Read More
No one ever said it was easy being an entrepreneur. Whether you’re in the early stages of your statrup, just secured funding for your startup or you are ready for product launch, there will always be those three components when you ask yourself if this whole entrepreneur thing is worth it. Instead of giving up and throwing-in the proverbial white towel, keep your head up and look to the following 50 quotes to inspire and motivate you during those tough patches. Read More
Every small business faces an undeniable challenge in the early days. No matter how innovative the product or service is, customers can’t buy it unless they know about it. For a new business with limited resources, shouting from the rooftops may be the only affordable way to reach the mass consumer market. Businesses can use social media or send out press releases, but with so many brands clamoring for attention, those messages can get lost in all the chaos. Read More
If you want to be respected and appreciated as a leader, you’ll need to unify your team through communication. Speaking effectively and consistently is the key to making sure your ideas are expressed clearly, ensuring your team is under a collective understanding, and addressing problems quickly before they escalate. For many people, strategic thinking and productivity come naturally, but this efficiency in communication is a major obstacle. Read More
Do you want to be a more effective leader? Fitter, better rested, and generally happier? The folks at TED have compiled some talks designed to help you get there. From acquiring new skills to getting more exercise to freeing up some of the time you waste on meetings, these talks will help you improve nearly every area of your life. Read More
Jordan Kretchmer remembers what Travis Kalanick was like before Uber was Uber.
Kretchmer was a 25-year-old college dropout with a lot of ideas, and Kalanick had even more. He was in his early thirties, an engineer who talked like a sales guy, smart as hell and high on life. He wore a cowboy hat and referred to himself as the Wolf, after the cold-blooded, coolly rational fixer played by Harvey Keitel in Pulp Fiction. He was tireless—always on the move, always thirsty.
When you start trying to become a better listener the first difference you’ll notice is similar to how you see things after you’ve lost some weight. It’s only once you manage to successfully drop 50 pounds that you are suddenly aware of all the people around you who could benefit from doing the same thing. Read More
We’ve all experienced the side effects of a negative friend, colleague or co-worker. Perhaps you work with someone who complains endlessly about his job but never offers any solutions. Or, a good friend speaks unfavorably about others in your circle and creates drama. Read More
It’s OK to mess around during your 20s. But your 30s are the ideal time to cement the habits that will help you achieve personal and professional fulfillment for the rest of your life.
From your health to your money and your relationships, here are nine lifestyle tweaksyou can make to lay the foundation for lifelong success. Read More
A number of cities in the Persian Gulf region may be unlivable by the end of the century due to global warming if humans do not curb greenhouse gas emissions, according to new research. Read More
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