The pervasive adoption of broadband, cloud, and mobile technologies connecting consumers, companies, and governments alike — a process we call digitization — is now in full flood, and it will transform every industry over the next several years. If companies in the high-technology industry are to play a major role in enabling this process, they must transform themselves as well. That means developing the capabilities they will need to help their customers thrive in a fully digital world, while learning how to scale those customer solutions up to entire industries. This will require technology companies to redefine themselves as a part of a significantly more open and inclusive environment, one that will favor broad ecosystems of partners and collaborators, and to adjust their operations and global supply chains to take account of these new ecosystems.
Technology, Telecomunications & Alba Consulting
Change is coming faster today than ever before and companies must adapt or die. All business executives worry about change, but executives of technology companies—positioned as you are at the forefront of change—must be especially cognizant of the forces driving changes in your world. You must understand the impacts significant trends impose on your business and overcome them through transitions to innovative revenue streams, lowering costs and yes, new business models. With the right strategies and vision, it is possible to welcome and conquer, rather than fear and evade, change, creating an agile, thriving business. Alba Consulting stands ready to help. This will require technology companies to redefine themselves as a part of a significantly more open and inclusive environment, one that will favor broad ecosystems of partners and collaborators, and to adjust their operations and global supply chains to take account of these new ecosystems.
Over many decades, Alba Consulting has served a wide range of telecommunications players: operators and suppliers; wireless, wireline, cable, ISP, and infrastructure-agnostic players; incumbents and new entrants, in established as well as emerging markets. The industry has changed significantly, and it continues to do so — fueled by liberalization trends and technology developments, shifts in consumer behavior, and evolving competitive dynamics. Alba Consulting communications industry group is dedicated to delivering effective solutions to the complex business challenges facing communications companies. We can help you with capex, customer excellence, partnerships, network life-cycle management, regulation, and investor confidence,

1.Deep customer insights
Every company in the technology industry will require insight into the digital consumer — especially Generation C, that always-connected, always innovating, and increasingly cohort of the global population that will begin entering the workforce over the next decade. A thorough understanding of these new demand-side consumer dynamics will help companies improve both their innovation efforts and their competitiveness—with the added benefit of a better understanding of the next generation of talent they must employ in order to succeed.
2.Ability to leverage the ecosystem
Technology companies must also gain an understanding of how digitization is transforming the ICT industry ecosystem itself, and to rethink how they themselves fit into it. Delivery mechanisms are changing, and companies must reassess their interactions with upstream suppliers, downstream sales channels, go-to-market partners, customers, and the extended supply chains that connect it all.
3.Flexible product portfolios
In the new world of digitization, companies must be able to bring outstanding products and services to market, and do so quickly. Yet most players can no longer provide their customers with workable end-to-end solutions all on their own. Therefore, they must learn to operate within a context of increasingly global partnerships, joint ventures, and M&A activity, and to act fast when opportunities to improve the product portfolio arise—a critical capabilities more customers demand open, flexible platforms on which to develop their increasingly digitized businesses.
4.Redesigned internal operations
Technology companies will also need to develop the ability to see how digitization might transform their own internal operations, from IT to human resources to finance. This effort will have the added benefit of helping them make the transformation to the extended virtual enterprise—and give them the experience necessary to sell internal digitization as a service to their own customers as well.
5.Effective governmental interaction
Finally, given how quickly digitization is taking place — not just in technology but in every industry — it is no surprise that governmental efforts to affect the process are gaining momentum. The legal and regulatory landscape is uncertain, and issues as far-ranging as the net neutrality, privacy and copyright law, and content, patents, and other forms of intellectual property, all are in flux. Thus, every technology company must gain a clear understanding of the policy and legal environment in which it operates, and develop an effective voice for influencing the future course of that environment.
6.Compelling vertical strategies
Entire industries are being transformed by ubiquitous broadband, mobility, and new platforms, services, and applications, and learning how to make use of massive amounts of customer data. Thus, technology companies must gain the ability to understand the process by which industry verticals will themselves be digitized, to devise specific strategies for developing the products and services that will serve these vertical needs, and to mobilize their people and organizations to work together with every vertical the company plans to serve.