23 Morning Routines of the Most Extraordinarily Successful People

By January 15, 2016 Health Care, Life No Comments
23 Morning Routines of the Most Extraordinarily Successful People

Walking their dogs, making coffee, scanning their phones in the bathroom–here are the sometimes surprising morning routines of highly successful people.

Hey there. How’s your morning?

Some of the world’s most successful people have routines that they try to stick to every day–and more often than not, they’re willing (even eager) to share them.

It’s sort of a staple of interviews and profiles with high performers to ask them what they eat for breakfast, when they work out, how they handle their first daily ingestion of information — and to what extent they just spend time with their families.

If you could use some inspiration and motivation in your morning routine, you could out Big Optimism. Or else, the folks at Homearena, a British furniture retailer, have put together a pretty cool Infographic summarizing the routines of some of the most successful political leaders and entrepreneurs. Among them:

President Obama

Two things: Cardio and weight routine, followed by breakfast with his daughters.

Jeff Bezos

Shuns morning meetings, eats breakfast at home.

Mark Zuckerberg

His routine might have changed since he and his wife Priscilla Chan had their baby girl, Max. However, he’s well-known for simplifying his routine by wearing the same uniform every day–gray t-shirt and jeans.

Tim Cook

Checks emails first. Exercises second.

David Cameron, UK Prime Minister

Supposedly starts the day with his family (no television), and then reads newspapers. (Newspapers? Really?)

Anna Wintour, editor-in-chief of Vogue

Starts her day with an hour of tennis at the Midtown Tennis Club in New York.

Arianna Huffington

Yoga and meditation.

Jack Dorsey of Twitter and Square

Starts out with a six-mile jog. (Every day? That’s a lot of mileage.)

Howard Schultz

Walks his three dogs. Works out. Makes coffee for his wife and himself.

Craig Newmark

The founder of Craigslist, whose official job is customer service rep, says he starts his day by diving right in to deal with customer complaints.

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