Overthinking doesn’t sound so bad on the surface–thinking is good, right?
But overthinking can cause problems. Read More
Overthinking doesn’t sound so bad on the surface–thinking is good, right?
But overthinking can cause problems. Read More
Ernst & Young LLP was found liable on Friday by a Washington state jury for the losses of an investment firm from the collapse in 2008 of fraudster Bernard Madoff’s multibillion dollar Ponzi scheme.
A jury in Seattle sided with FutureSelect Portfolio Management Inc in finding the auditing firm was negligent in its work for funds that funneled money to Madoff. Read More
In 2004, Leeward Bean was happily retired. He’d helped build a scientific instrument company, Ocean Optics, and sold it for $50 million. But when a pair of former employees, Christina Bacon and Ron DeFrece, pitched him on an online novelty shop called Uniquely Geek, the science nerd couldn’t resist: He agreed to give them seed funding and advice. And soon enough, this little side project would spawn an entire new business for him. It all began when he stopped into Uniquely Geek’s south-Florida office one day; the staff had just written 100 nerdy slogans for T-shirts, and wanted to print them all. “I said, bless your heart, you can’t do that,” remembers Bean. It would be a nightmare — meeting a silk screener’s minimum order for each design, finding space to store it all. Nope. Can’t happen. The geeks’ response: “Figure it out!” Read More
A lot of people assume that Warren Buffett’s investment strategy is a big secret – but it’s really not a secret at all.
In fact, Buffett’s investment criteria has been included in the beginning pages of every single Berkshire Hathaway Annual Report since 1982: Read More
An interview is a process in which organizations shortlist the good ones and selects the best. However ‘who is the best?’ has always a question for the candidates. Things are pretty simple, but we are so nervous while preparing for the interview that we miss these small points. A famous man very rightly said, “Successful people aren’t alien, they just be themselves”. Read More
The biggest problem founders and small business owners have is that they’re experts in their field and novices in what it really takes to effectively run a business. That’s what usually trips them up, sooner or later.
Don’t let that happen to you. Admit that you don’t know what you don’t know about business, starting with these 15 tips guaranteed to help keep you and your company out of hot water. Some are straightforward, others are counterintuitive, but they’re all true. And some day they’ll save your butt. Read More
Increase your chances of success by changing your mindset.
In setting a self-improvement goal, strategic assessment of your chances of success can be a huge motivator, says philosopher Jim Stone, Ph.D., who develops personal productivity software and workshops. Read More
Alison Wood Brooks, a colleague of mine at Harvard Business School, also happens to be a talented singer. She’s logged hundreds of hours in front of audiences, and her poise on stage is enviable. As both a performer and a psychologist, Brooks appreciates not only how that kind of poise can make for good leadership, but also how many of us struggle to find it when we’re performing. So she set out to findsome simple changes that might help people overcome their performance anxiety. Read More
I thought I had the answer. Still, I wanted to be sure, so I asked a key employee.
“I’m thinking of moving two crews to a different shift rotation to get a better process flow,” I said. “I’ve run the numbers, and overall productivity should go up by at least 10 percent. What do you think?”
He thought for a minute. “I suppose it could work,” he said. Read More
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